Tuesday, July 7, 2009

To blog or not to blog...

I will readily admit, I am not a blogger. That is, I tend to be somewhat introverted and therefore, blabbing out loud in public is not the most comfortable thing for me to do. After reading the chapter on blogging from Will Richardson's book last week, it made me wonder about the usefulness of blogging in my classroom. Was there something to blogging that I just hadn't seen yet?

So, a couple of celestrial events lined up to move me onto blogger.com for this first go-around with blogging. Firstly, I just happened to have a gmail account which I seldom used. It also gave me access to blogger. Secondly, Richardson seemed to think that blogger was very easy to use and had some cool tools that you can use with it. Now right here is where I really started to think with my other "hat" -- my DH hat. In my role as DH of Technology in our school, I am constantly encouraging staff on exploring how technology can be used to enhance student learning and hopefully, student success in the 21st century. Students use technology everyday outside the classroom so why not inside the classroom too? We tend to spend a lot of money buying cool gadgets but does anyone really know how to use it? Hence, my interest in this course is two fold - for myself in my classroom but also for the rest of my staff as I provide leadership in the area of (instructional) technology.

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